Friday, 30 December 2011

My letter to year 2011.


Well, Its been some year for me.

Uprooted from my comfort zone.
Had to live alone, in small places, which I hate by the way.
Had to move 4 times. IT SUCKED.
Had KFC for the first time in my life. Yup that was huge.
Was kinda naughty a bit too much. ;)
Caught by traffic police 2, paid 600 bucks. :(.
Spent way too much time on a bus than I like. There is no other way.
Too many expenses. Shall not say more than this.
Started some new savings plan. :@. Getting Old. :(.
Watched a lot of TV shows. :D. That was good.
Lots and Lots of gadgets to play with. Hehehehehe.
Pampered myself a lot.
Celebrations were all off this year. No idea why.
50~50 birthday this time. The +50 was that i got LOT of stuff, The -50 was the usual stuff. :|
Lot of pets to spend time this year.
Mother on my case for getting married. :|
Realized I have very very few very very good friend(s). shan't say more. :D
Hope I made a new friend after several years. Lets see how it goes.
Got to work more on my theory of "compartment-ilzed relations in life". Patent Peding, Dont u dare steal that.
Nice place to work this year.
Was team lead. :D. Oh Yeah baby.
Was called/compared to Hitler/Stalin/Caucescue several times by team members. hehehe.
Was satisfied with my work.
I got a lot of stuff from family this year. No idea why. :S.
Didnt get to see my baby neice that much. very sad about that. Dont like to travel by bus also. Soo... :(
Felt like I was like running all this year you know.
Someone said that I learned, matured, developed this year. Must have hit their head somewhere, I guess.

And finally this year, I was free. Free from several years of self delusion. Its just brilliant.
Thought I will be heart broken/depressed/sad. But No, Nada, Zilch. Nothing. Just free.
I missed a lot of things. Need to get back on it, you know?. I need to get back everything.

I have no plans, no resolutions, no hopes, no dreams, nothing for the next year.
But you know what, tell 2012 to bring it all it got. Coz I am here waiting.


Kissing you good bye.