Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Letsbuy.com - Should you really buy? - Part 2

Well... It continues.

Yesterday the manager promised me that I will get a call today. I didnt till noon. So I called him by 1pm.
Thankfully he picked up. I told my name and asked the status. He asked my order no and then only he remembered me.

He told me to give him till 6pm today for getting the information. I agreed, seeing no other choice. Though this must be a tactic to give him till end of day.:(

At 6.18pm he called !!.

I was surprised. He told that item was out of stock and he is expecting a stock tomorrow. So he will have the shipment details by evening and he will give me a call.

I literally pleaded with him to get it done. :(

Well next day it is then.
