Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Letsbuy.com - Should you really buy? - The End

So ... It's coming to an end!!!...

Nov 19th I received the mail from customer care regarding shipping. I kept checking the bluedart site for updates.

Nov 22th.

Yesterday 12.15pm, I got a call from security desk that I have a parcel. Jitters!!!... I went there and viola..There it was.


Signed and took it to my desk. Tore off the covers and connected. Everything was fine. My HDD is with me.

The HDD with my portronics Mojo charger. :D


So should you really buy?

I would say, If the price difference is at least say 500~1000 rs and if you have the patience and if you are NOT in any hurry. Get it!.

Else stay away. Even ebay sellers do better communication and customer support. Or the new player, Flipkart.com. I am yet to experience it in first hand though.

Honestly all the letsbuy.com craze IMO is the coupons. Once they stop this, I don't know if anyone will bother.

Am I thankful to letsbuy.com or happy with the experience? HELL NO!!!. The customer care is utter rubbish, even if they respond, online bots do a better job of interacting with you.

I made tonnes of PAID calls. Yeas, NOT EVEN TOLL FREE.

This will be my last purchase from letsbuy.com. Unless they improve their customer care to acceptable limits or they have a fire sale sort of price. Well, I need to save money sometimes, right?


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Letsbuy.com - Should you really buy? - Part 3


On Nov 16th

The manager said he will call me today. Either way I called him by 2.03pm and reminded him.
He called me by 6.18pm and said the reason that it wasn't shipped because the item was out of stock.
It is back ordered and I can "expect" it be shipped tomorrow evening.

I said O.K

On Nov 17th

I called him by 3.00pm again to remind him(Yup, I called again). He said as he said yesterday I need to wait 24~48 hours. I was like, Where did the extra 24hours came???. I said O.K. and let it end.

On Nov 18th

Today I called him in the morning 10.30am(Hehehehehe). He said he is on top of things and I'll get an update today 6.00pm. I called him at 5.55pm again to remind him. He said give a 10 minutes. 6.05pm, no call. :(.

He called at 6.40pm and said he has good news!!!. He can see the item's invoice is generated, so I can expect the item to be shipped today night. Guaranteed!. I said Thanks!!!.

On Nov 19th

5.45am(Yea, I get up early always). In my mail, from Letsbuy.com Customer Care the shipping details are there. Checked in bluedart, Its showing up. :)

Well... I did ask the manager is it the same stuff I ordered. He said Yes. I hope it is. Fingers Crossed.

Its like lots of my friends are asking in facebook and GTalk how is my HDD purchase going on. Well, now you know. On a same note, I ordered a Samsung N100 for my boss on 16th. She got it delivered on 18th evening. Wooha. I created an account for her and done this.

Is letsbuy.com screening their buyers? New accounts get faster service. Honestly I don't think so. I ordered a laptop for a friend of mine. It took 2 weeks to reach him. New account also.

Will update once I get the item.


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Letsbuy.com - Should you really buy? - Part 2

Well... It continues.

Yesterday the manager promised me that I will get a call today. I didnt till noon. So I called him by 1pm.
Thankfully he picked up. I told my name and asked the status. He asked my order no and then only he remembered me.

He told me to give him till 6pm today for getting the information. I agreed, seeing no other choice. Though this must be a tactic to give him till end of day.:(

At 6.18pm he called !!.

I was surprised. He told that item was out of stock and he is expecting a stock tomorrow. So he will have the shipment details by evening and he will give me a call.

I literally pleaded with him to get it done. :(

Well next day it is then.


Monday, 14 November 2011

Letsbuy.com - Should you really buy?

Ok. I am a hoarder. I don't delete things. I like them to be where i can easily access.
Unless and Until Indian broadband scene doesn't change, I am not going to stop.

I used up all my HDD space available to me here in Mysore, KA. So I was on the lookout for a nice external HDD deal. After all the floods and natural disasters in the Thai region, Prices skyrocketed.

And enter Letsbuy.com, a 2TB external Seagate HDD for 4800. Ebay and others were retailing for 6~7k. I applied a discount coupon and bought one along with a 16GB microSD for my tablet and a Portronics portable charger for my gadgets. My N97mini runs out in a day. So i needed one.

Purchase done on  7th November. Order no 585366. Prepaid. Called them up(Impatient) and i was assured a 24~48 hours shipping time frame. I called them on 8th(Impatient), again they said 24~48 hours. I was nervous.

On 9th November, I called them up. 24~48 hours. I wrote a mail to them. No reply. Today the HDD prices hiked in letsbuy.com. The same HDD is now 7800. Eeek!!!.

On 10th November I called and this time I was given the "Delivery in 4-7 working days" routine. This was getting ridiculous. No shipping details.

On 11th November I called again. Same "Delivery in 4-7 working Days". From the depths of google, I got letsbuy CEO's mail id. official i guess. Send a mail to it with a cc to the customer care. By 11am I got a call from a customer care manager assuring me miracles. He said I can expect the reply by evening. Why don't you take a wild guess whether he called or not? :)

Miracle happened though. On 12th November morning I got a mail from Letsbuy that item is shipped.
I was ecstatic. :) So happy and relieved.

On 13th I got a call from the manager and a mail from customer care saying the same. I was happy that I was done with these people.

On 14th, Today. I received the parcel from my company mail room with a kid getting his birthday present. I WAS SHOCKED. Only 2 items were there. The microSD and the charger. The slip was sealed as partial shipment. Check out the pics and the weight of the consignment.

Readily I called the customer care, 10 minute hold and I asked them WTF?. Again the useless answers by the drones. He said the manager will call me back. And he played innocent. No information was available to him. Is this a company that sells to the entire nation? What sort of departments do they run? I even mailed to the CEO. Does the management allows this kinda a process?

I was not even given the reason for partial shipment. I even asked him, Does the price increase is the reason. He said no idea what happened.

I am still sitting in front of my PC thinking what to do? what to think? Had to talk to someone. Or at least get it out.


What sort of stupid customer care do you run? I know that your policy is 4~7 working days. I need some more information. Thats why I call you, right?

And what about the hold time? This is not even a Toll free number. Our money and energy loss.

@CEO of Letsbuy.com

I read you are some sort of entrepreneur with big dreams and ambitions. Does running a company like this one of them? At least treat us thinking that you took the money from us.

I dont know who I am writing this for. Just wanted this to be out in open thats all.
